首页 > 电子信息 > 电缆架空线混合线路故障测距方法的实现论文+任务书+开题+翻译+文献综述+程序





1)分析行波在电缆-架空线混合线路中的传播规律以及目前行波测试方法的原理,利用 ATP/EMTP 对不同故障类型及测试方法进行仿真和分析,为进一步的故障测距研究打下基础。









With the rapid development of our country's economy, the transformation of urban network and agricultural network, the power cable has been widely used in our country because of its advantages of safety, reliability, favorable to beautifying the city and optimizing the layout of factories and mines. More and more hybrid cable-overhead lines have been developed on the basis of the original lines. Due to the imperfect manufacturing process, poor operating environment and product quality defects, the insulation level of the cable is often reduced and the cable operation failure is caused. Because the insulator on the overhead line is not up to standard and is destroyed by external force, it often causes the fault of the line, most of which are permanent faults. When the power line breaks down, After that, it is very important to locate the fault quickly and determine the location of the fault point accurately, which is very important to restore the power supply as soon as possible and improve the economic benefit of the power supply enterprise. It is an effective measure to find fault point through location technology after fault of power line occurs. However, because the parameters of the hybrid line are not uniform in each section, the application of the existing ranging methods has been limited due to the extensive application of the cable-overhead line hybrid line. Therefore, it is of great significance and practical value to study the fault test method of hybrid line and develop the corresponding test system.

The fault location of the cable - overhead line hybrid line is an important part of the fault location of the power line, and it is the key to ensure the rapid removal of the fault.

1) analyzing the traveling wave propagation law in the cable-overhead line hybrid line and the principle of the current traveling wave testing method, using ATP/EMTP to simulate and analyze the different fault types and test methods, so as to lay a foundation for further fault location research.

The method of wavelet threshold denoising and the determination of threshold are studied. By comparing and analyzing the de-noising effect of different threshold, the wavelet threshold determination method suitable for fault location of transmission line is found.

The calculation method of fault point distance is studied. In view of the sudden change of traveling-wave signals on cable-overhead hybrid lines, a suitable method for calculating the fault distance of cable-overhead hybrid lines is found.

4) to build the fault location system of power cable and overhead line, to realize the noise elimination of fault signal and the detection of singularity, and to realize the fault location of cable-overhead hybrid line.


Keywords: cable; overhead line; hybrid line; fault; location




Abstract II

1绪论 1

1.1课题的研究背景和意义 1

1.2故障测距方法的提出和发展 2

1.3 故障测距研究面临的难题 2

1.3.1各类别测距方法的比较 2

1.3.2两类故障测距方法需要解决的问题 4

2行波法测距的基本原理 5

2.1电力线路的暂态行波过程 6

2.1.1行波的基本概念 6

2.1.2线路的行波过程分析 8

2.2 行波传输特性分析 10

2.2.1行波的反射系数与折射系数 10

2.2.2行波在母线处的反射 12

2.2.3行波在故障点处的反射 14

2.2.4对端母线处的反射 14

2.3行波法故障测距的基本原理 15

2.3.1行波信号中的故障距离信息 15

2.3.2行波法故障测距的主要技术问题 15

2.3.3新型单端行波故障测距原理 16

2.3.2新型双端行波故障测距原理 18

3小波变换工具与数学形态学运用原理 20

3.1小波变换基础理论 20

3.1.2小波变换的定义 21

3.1.3模极大值原理检测信号的奇异性 22

3.2数学形态学基础理论 23

3.2.1数学形态学原理与算法 23

3.2.2运用形态学来反映信号的奇异性 25

3.3数学形态学和小波变换在实际工程应用中的差异 26

3.4小波变换在测距中的应用 27

3.4.1排除噪声干扰 28

3.4.2基于小波变换的故障选线 29

3.4.3运用小波变换进行线路上的行波故障测距 29

4新型行波测距的建模仿真 30

4.1仿真工具介绍 30

4.1.1 Simulink模型 30

4.1.2数据处理 31

4.2故障测距软件设计 31

4.2.1相模变换 32

4.2.2小波变换 32

4.3新型单端测距建模仿真 33

4.4新型双端测距方法建模仿真 38

参考文献 45


附录   程序清单 48

1故障行波分量的提取程序 48

2小波分析消噪程序 49

3小波分析在信号奇异性中的检测应用 50

4小波变换求模极大值波形主程序 51






























