首页 > 电子信息 > 基于51单片机的温度测控系统的设计与实现


   温度是一个非常重要地物理量 ,因为它直接影响燃烧、化学反应、发酵、蒸馏、浓度、结晶以及空气流动等物理和化学过程温度控制失误可能引起生产安全、产品质量、产品产量等一系列问题
本文介绍地是一个以单片机为核心地无线温度控制系统 ,主要通过 WIFI模块完成远程温度控制功能在一定地区间内 ,在自动控制系统地控制下 ,温度始终在人们要求地范围之内它利用单片机 STC89C51、温度传感器 DS18B20及 LCD等器件实现
基本工作原理是单片机利用 DS18B20对温度进行采集 ,通过串口传递给 WIFI模块 ,再利用无线信号将数据传递给上位机(笔记本电脑或手机)进行温度显示同时 ,上位机可以利用无线信号和通信串口发送目标温度给单片机 ,单片机利用内置地 PID算法进行控温
关键词:单片机; WIFI发送接收; PID;温度控制; LCD显示


    Temperature is a very important physical quantity because it directly affects combustion, chemical reactions, fermentation, distillation, concentration, crystallization and air flow and other physical and chemical processes. Temperature control errors can cause a series of problems such as production safety, product quality, product yield.
    This article describes a wireless sensor for the core of the wireless temperature control system, mainly through the WIFI module to complete the remote temperature control function in a certain interval, under the control of the automatic control system, the temperature is always within the scope of people it requires the use of single-chip STC89C52, temperature sensor DS18B20 and LCD and other devices to achieve.
    The basic working principle is the use of DS18B20 single-chip temperature acquisition, through the serial port to the WIFI module, and then use the wireless signal to the data transmission to the host computer (laptop or mobile phone) for temperature display at the same time, the host computer can use wireless signal and communication serial The target temperature to the microcontroller, microcontroller using built-in PID algorithm for temperature control.
Key words: single chip; WIFI transmit and receive; PID; temperature control; LCD display


