首页 > 电子信息 > 电力机车牵引计算系统开发论文


电力机车 运行过程进行良好的设计是更好地满足运输需求并管理好轨道交通系统的基本要求。由于 电力机车 运行过程涉及到许多因素, 电力机车 牵引计算以 电力机车 的纵向运动为计算对象,并以运动过程中的牵引、惰行和制动工况作为重点,因此涉及有 电力机车 编组条件、机车车辆的牵引和制动装置、线路状况等多方面,是一个复杂的过程,如何准确�p快速地计算出 电力机车 在各种不同条件下的运行效果并予以评价是 电力机车 运行计算的任务。 电力机车 牵引计算是整个城市轨道交通的重要组成部分,对 电力机车 的牵引计算进行模拟研究,可以较好的实现在整个 电力机车 运行过程中牵引过程的模拟。 本文通过 编程,开发牵引计算软件,该软件具有良好的用户界面�p数据处理及计算功能,而且该计算软件包括三个大的模块,即数据模块�p运行计算模块�p系统输出模块, 并将三者集成为一个工作软件,该模拟系统 分析了地铁列车在运行过程中的各种工况,提出了三种牵引策略,即节时策略、节能策略和定时策略,通过遗传算法求解最佳控制策略,利用该软件可以计算出列车运行过程中受到牵引力、基本阻力、附加阻力、制动时的制动力以及各种工况下的合力,用户可以完成列车牵引计算并绘制出相应的V-S 曲线、T-S 曲线。
关键词 电力机车;牵引计算; 受到牵引力; 制动装置
Process electric locomotive is well-designed to better meet the transport needs and basic requirements for good management of the rail system. Since the process of electric locomotive operation involving many factors, electric locomotive traction calculations to longitudinal motion electric locomotives for the calculation of the object, and during exercise traction, coasting and braking condition as a priority, and therefore relates to electric locomotive consist condition, locomotive traction and braking equipment, line conditions and other aspects of the vehicle, is a complex process, how to quickly calculate accurate �p electric locomotive to run at a variety of different conditions and to be evaluated is the task of electric locomotive running calculation. Electric locomotive traction calculation is an important part of urban rail transit, electric locomotive traction computing simulation studies, can achieve a better traction throughout the course of the process of electric locomotive operation simulation. Through the program, the development of traction calculation software, which has a good user interface �p data processing and calculation functions, and the computing software consists of three major modules, namely, data module calculation module running �p �p system output module and three integrated into a working software, the simulation analysis of the subway train system during operation in a variety of conditions, traction proposed three strategies, namely, when the festival policy, energy policy and timing strategies for solving optimal control strategies through genetic algorithm, Using this software can be calculated by the traction train is moving, the basic resistance, additional resistance, the braking force when braking force as well as a variety of conditions, the user can complete train traction calculation and draw the corresponding curve VS, TS curve .
Keywords: electric locomotive; traction calculation; by traction; braking device

