首页 > 电子信息 > 鱼缸自动换水加料装置的设计


本设计 分析自动换水鱼缸实现的必要性和可行性,选用合适的PLC芯片和多种外围器件,完成硬件和软件的整体设计,最终实现了一个每天按时定量换水控制系统
关键词: 自动换水加料系统 ;定时控制;实时 显示
    With the continuous progress of science and technology, the level of automation and the level of information technology developed by leaps and bounds, the community on this request more and more. The former factories are using artificial methods of production and processing, such a way of working, not only without security, and there is no high economic efficiency.
    Since the reform and opening up, the domestic form of development is getting better and better, more and more intense competition, high-tech equipment gradually replaced the previous manual mode of operation, more and more automated equipment, automatic control system with more and more. The pressure of the company is also growing, not only to consider the domestic rivals, foreign competition gradually increased, with the information technology, the rapid development of market economy, domestic and international market increasingly fierce competition, product updates more quickly, Especially with the ever-changing hi-tech, product type, process more and more complex shape, coupled with business development and development will face the shortage of labor, labor costs to save effort, rationalization and automation trends, the traditional Manual feeding has been unable to meet the requirements, then automatic feeding machine came into being. What is the feeder in many areas of modern science and technology today? As the name suggests, the feeder is dedicated to the automation of the material, powder, sheet, ribbon and so on. It is used to feed the material by means of the force of the machine. The machine that carries the transport.
    Especially in recent years, the continuous development of various technologies, such as automatic control technology, power electronics technology, detection technology and information technology, making these applications more and more areas. The level of automation of the feed mechanism as an auxiliary device also needs to be higher and higher.
    To sum up, in the conservation of capital, reduce costs, improve production efficiency, protect personal safety, to achieve the operation of the automation of the feeding mechanism to design, to develop a more suitable for the work environment of the automatic feeding agencies.
    This design analyzes the necessity and feasibility of the automatic changing of the fish tank, selects the appropriate PLC chip and various peripheral devices, completes the overall design of the hardware and software, and finally realizes a daily quantitative water change control system
Key words: automatic water changing system; timing control; real-time display

1.1 设计目的和意义

由于自动化在当今时代发展越来越快,自动化水平也不断的提高,所以PLC已成为了广泛的应用, PLC加料控制系统是工业流程中的一环,他通过PLC控制,接触器、传感器等配合。再辅以开关元件、热继电器等元件设备,以达到自动下料、称量、并将原料运走的全程自动运作。其中操作人员只需控制启动与停止按钮即可,并可在任何时候按下停车按钮,系统将在完成当前流程后再停车于初始状态,不用考虑因停车时间不对、原料滞留而引起的下次启动时过程错误,从而降低了对工作人员的操作要求及其劳动强度。

1.2 设计的要求

6 按下停止按钮时,应等秤斗中的原料下完,再延时10S,待传送带上的原料输送完毕,自动切断电源,停止系统。

