首页 > 电子信息 > 智能别墅中安防系统设计


随着 智能别墅安防 在市场上不断的得到推广, 智能别墅安防 市场的潜力肯定是非常大的, 智能别墅安防 防盗报警系统作为一个新型产品,其前景必然是一片光明的。因此,在国内许多 智能别墅安防 生产企业越来越加强了对该行业市场的重视。所以对 智能别墅安防 防盗系统产品的研究具有重要意义。

关键词   单片机,无线收发,温度采集, 智能别墅安防

     Smart home security alarm system, as a new industry with intelligent household continuously promoted in the market, the smart home market potential is very large, the industry must be a bright future.Therefore, in the domestic many intelligent household production enterprises is to strengthen the recognition of the industry market,Don't strengthens to the enterprise development environment and consumer demand change of deeper research.
     With the development of electronic technology and application requirements, microcontroller technology has been rapid development, and in high integration, high speed, low power consumption and high performance has made great progress.With the development of science and technology, electronic technology has a higher leap, we now can use single chip microcomputer, electronic temperature sensor and pyroelectric sensor, gas sensor components such as intelligent home control system, make our life more convenient and safe.
     This design USES a STC12C5202 single chip microcomputer as control core, transmit to MCU, the temperature of the temperature sensors through the single-chip microcomputer control LCD display the current temperature value shows, and use the Settings protection and alarm.When setting protection, pyroelectric sensors will detect if an intruder broke into.If enter indoor, pyroelectric sensor will produce a signal, wireless transmission module will signal sent out, receive the alarm signal receiving module after decoding to single chip microcomputer for processing, single-chip microcomputer control alarm lights at the same time a buzzer alarm.
Keywords Microcontroller, wireless transceiver, temperature acquisition, intelligent household



