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The Internet of things is put forward on the basis of the concept of Internet of things. It will be of great significance to actively develop the technology of Internet of things, expand its application field as soon as possible, and put it into production and life as soon as possible. The Internet of things gateway can realize protocol conversion between perceptual network, communication network and different types of perceptual network, which can not only realize wide area interconnection, but also realize local area interconnection.

The research and implementation of Internet of things wireless gateway is a very important step in constructing the whole Internet of things architecture. Gateway is a protocol converter built on the network layer, and embedded system has the characteristics of strong specificity, good real-time, high reliability, low power consumption, small volume and low cost. Therefore, the use of wireless gateways greatly increases the flexibility of the application and reduces the cost. The MC509 network is connected to the Internet through the gateway, which can monitor and control the devices in a certain MC509 network in every corner, which greatly reduces the space-time distance of the physical world.

In this paper, a general design scheme of wireless gateway based on ARM microprocessor is proposed. The designed gateway has the advantages of low power consumption, small volume, simple design and can satisfy the characteristics of small amount of data information transmission. Based on IOV-T-2530, a wireless gateway multi-point data acquisition is simulated and the communication between MC509 network and Internet is completed. The application of wireless gateway in Internet of things is realized.


Keywords: Internet of things; embedded system MC509; Gateway;


1 绪论 3

1.1 课题研究背景 3

1.2 国内外研究现状 4

1.3 课题研究意义和内容 6

2 物联网相关理论基础 9

2.1 无线传感器网络概述 10

2.2 基于MC509的无线组网技术简介 11

2.3 TI Z-Stack协议栈 20

2.4 MC509开发基础 22

3 基于ARM微处理器的无线网关总体设计 25

3.1  网关设计的基本要求 25

3.2  网关功能模块的组成…… 26

3.3  无线网关的硬件设计…… 27

3.4  无线网关的软件设计…… 28

4 物联网无线网关nRF51822概述 29

4.1 无线网关nRF51822开发板简介 29

4.2 无线网关操作系统方案的选择 33

4.3 OMAP3530处理器(ARM内核)烧写WinCE 38

5 软硬件平台的搭建及系统实现 39

5.1 CC2530芯片概述 39

5.2 Visual Studio 2005的特点 41

5.3 Cadencefor 16.6简介 42

5.4 系统运行环境的搭建及组网实现 43

6 总结和展望 .56

参考文献 57

致谢词 58

附录1外文原文 59

附录2 中文译文 67

