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题    目     宜宾市中小学足球调研现状进策略

学    院                 体育学院           -

专    业               体育教育

学生姓名                 曾政洪              _

学    号  201511314401      年级   2012级            _

指导教师 赖春           职称                 _

年      月      日




Present situation of Football investigation in Primary and Middle Schools in Yibin City

Abstract:The influence of football as the world recognized "first sport" is incomparable to that of other sports, and its development and match reflects the sports level of a country to a certain extent. The development of football in China is relatively late, and there is a certain gap between the popularity and the popularity of football in Europe and the United States and even in some Asian countries. The basic population of football in China is also far from that in other countries. Teenagers carry the future of a country, as well as football events. The development of young athletes is related to the future of a country's football fate. In the process of primary and secondary education, the development and training of football should be regarded as one of them. One, but at the very primary stage of education, the most important and sensitive period on which football is based, has not been given sufficient attention. Yibin primary and secondary school boys, female students football team has a typical fast, accurate, ruthless style. Men's and women's football have won many municipal championships. Using the methods of literature, questionnaire, interview, mathematical statistics and so on, this thesis makes a sample survey on the primary and secondary schools in Yibin, and objectively grasps the present situation of the development of the campus football in Yibin. For Yibin City and other counties, districts to provide a reference for the development of campus football. Through the investigation of the current situation of campus football in Yibin City, Based on the analysis of the importance of promoting the development of campus football, this paper analyzes the factors that affect the development of campus football in Yibin city by using the methods of literature, questionnaire and mathematical statistics. And put forward some countermeasures to promote the development of school football in Yibin city.

Key words: Yibin City; Campus Football; Primary and Middle School students; current situation investigation

目  录

绪  论 1

第一章 研究对象与方法 1

(一)研究对象 1

(二)研究方法 1

1.文献资料法 1

2.问卷调查法 2

3.访谈法 2

4.数据统计法 2

第二章 宜宾市中小学足球发展现状 2

(一)宜宾市中小学校园足球发展的趋势 2

(二)宜宾市小学生对校园足球的喜欢情况 2

(三)宜宾市中学生对校园足球的喜欢情况 3

(四)宜宾市中小学生参与校园足球的动机 3

(五)学生参与校园足球的情况(时间、次数) 4

(六)影响宜宾市中小学校园足球发展的因素 5

1.学校开展实施校园足球的情况 5

2.宜宾市对校园足球宣传情况 5

3.教师对学生参与校园足球的态度 5

4.家长对学生参与校园足球的态度 6

5.体育教师资历及所学专业的情况 6

6.宜宾市中小学足球场地器材现状 7

第三章 结论与建议 7

(一)结论 7

(二)建议 8

参考文献 9

致    谢 10

附件1:问卷 11

附件2:访谈 13

