首页 > 电子信息 > 基于PLC的电动机Y-降压启动控制设计毕业设计说明书


摘  要
近年来,随着电力电子技术和计算机控制技术的飞速发展,国内十分重视笼型电动机的研究和开发。星形/三角形(Y/△)起动是最常见也是最常用的一种降压起动电路。所谓Y-△起动,是指起动时电动机绕组接成星形,起动结束进入运行状态后,电动机绕组接成三角形。在起动时。笼型电机定子绕组由于是星形接法,所以每相绕组所受的电压降低到运行电压的根号三分之一(约57.7%),起动电流为直接起动时的1/3,起动转矩也同时减小到直接起动的1/3。现在国内由于电力供应紧张, 因此星形/三角形(Y/△)起动在节能方面有突出的表现。因此笼型电动机的Y--△起动PLC控制拥有十分广阔的市场。

关键词:笼型电动机; PLC; 笼型电机星三角起动 

In recent years, with the rapid development of power electronics technology and computer control technology attaches great importance to the domestic cage motors of research and development. Star / delta (Y / △) start is the most common and most commonly used as a step-down start-up circuit. The so-called Y- △ starter, refers to the starter motor windings connected in star, starting into operation after the end of the motor winding connected into a triangle. When start. Because the motor stator windings are star-connected, so the voltage of each phase winding suffered operating voltage is reduced to one-third of root (about 57.7%), the starting current is direct starting 1/3, starting torque also while reducing the direct starting 1/3. Now the country due to power supply, and therefore the star / delta (Y / △) Starting outstanding performance in energy efficiency. Therefore cage type motor starter Y-- △ PLC control has a very broad market.
The design of the first analysis of the control requirements relay control system, the detection elements, control elements (eg buttons, etc.) reasonable arrangements for access to PLC's input. Then the accused devices (such as the contactor coil) Access PLC output and relay contactor systems correspond to select the same device PLC in the function. Press relations contacts with the device design ladder and control procedures. Since Siemens PLC reliable, simple to use, so use it to control Y-- △ cage type motor starter functions.

Keywords: cage motor; PLC; motor star delta starter

目  录
第1章 绪  论 1
1.1本文研究的目的和意义 1
1.2国内外发展现状 1
1.3本文研究内容 1
第2章 笼型电机概述 3
2.1我国笼型电机制造工业发展近况与发展趋势 3
2.2笼型电动机的分类及优点 3
2.3笼型电动机的基本工作原理和运行特性 4
2.3.1基本工作原理 4
2.3.2笼型电动机的工作特性 5
2.4 笼型电动机的起动 5
第3章 基于PLC的电动机Y-降压启动控制系统硬件设计 7
3.1 PLC的工作方式 7
3.2 PLC的应用范围分类 8
3.3 PLC的结构 8
3.4 PLC的工作原理 9
3.5 PLC的接线设计 10
3.6I/O地址分配表 10
3.7分析继电接触器控制 11
3.8主电路图与常规控制线路控制流程 12
第4章 基于PLC的电动机Y-降压启动控制系统软件设计 14
4.1S7-200 PLC的介绍 14
4.2基本功能 14
4.3编程语言 14
4.4程序设计 15
4.4.1PLC控制方式 15
4.5助记符指令程序 15
4.6PLC控制的梯形图 16
第5章 基于PLC的电动机Y-降压启动控制组态设计及系统联机统调 18
5.1MCGS组态软件 18
5.2三星鼠笼式异步电动机星三角起动系统人机界面设计 18
5.2.1MCGS组态画面设计 19
5.2.2建立实时数据库和动画连接 19
5.2.3组态设备窗口设计 20
5.3系统联机统调 21
结束语 23
参考文献 24
致  谢 25

