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目 录

摘 要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第1章 绪论 9

1.1 课题研究背景与意义 9

1.2 国内外研究现状 9

1.3 课题研究的主要内容 10

1.4 本文组织结构 10

第2章 系统关键技术介绍 12

2.1 无线传感器网络技术 12

2.2 WiFi通讯技术 13

2.3 单片机技术 13

2.4 物联网云平台 13

第3章 系统需求分析 15

3.1 系统需求概述 15

3.2 系统可行性分析 16

3.2.1 经济可行性 16

3.2.2 技术可行性 16

第4章 系统具体设计与实现 17

4.1 系统总体设计 17

4.2 硬件部分设计 17

4.2.1 stm32单片机 17

4.2.2 dht11温湿度传感器 19

4.2.3 光敏传感器 21

4.2.4 oled显示器 22

4.2.5 ESP8266模块 23

4.3 系统各部分功能实现 24

4.3.1数据的采集 24

4.3.2云平台的接入 25

4.3.3 串口命令的传输 26

4.3.4数据的可视化显示 27

4.4 系统软件的实现 28

4.4.1 MQTT协议 28

4.4.2 ADC采集 30

4.4.3 I2C通信 32

4.5 安卓APP实现 33

4.5.1  Android studio简介 33

4.5.2 Android设备的MQTT对接 33

4.6 系统编辑环境介绍 35

第5章 系统测试 36

5.1 系统搭建完成 36

5.2 测试结果 36

5.2 测试总结 38

第6章 总结与展望 39

6.1 总结 39

6.2 展望 39

参考文献 39

致 谢 40


摘 要


系统由软件和硬件两部分组成,stm32单片机是硬件基础,dht11温湿度传感器测量温湿度,光敏传感器测量光照强度,wifi模块通过MQTT协议将数据传输到云平台,使用Android studio进行安卓手机app编写,在手机端查看盆栽环境数据,采用oled12864使用户能观察各个传感器获取的数据。系统处于wifi模块运行时,采集的数据和信息通过无线模块传输到OneNet云服务器,触发下一环节转送到手机app,在手机的应用界面展现出来。用户可查看资料,分析数据,对盆栽所处实时环境进行调整与优化。该系统能够实现对盆栽生长环境进行有效监测和管理,测试结果基本满足了设计的目标。

【关键词】WIFI;环境监测;物联网技术; MQTT协议;stm32单片机

Design of Potted Environmental Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things Technology


In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, as well as the improvement of family living standards and the enrichment of material life, potted plants appear in more and more families and working environments. It can not only purify air and absorb dust, but also indirectly improve mood and relieve eye fatigue. Therefore, potted plants participate in people's life more and more. However, as most potted plants are cultured artificially, this cultivation method affects the growth state and survival rate of potted plants to a certain extent. To solve this problem, this paper designs an intelligent potted plant monitoring system with wireless networking by using stm32 single chip microcomputer, oled12864 liquid crystal display, photosensitive sensor, dht11 temperature and humidity sensor, wifi module, alarm, etc.

The system consists of software and hardware. stm32 microcontroller is the hardware foundation. dht11 temperature and humidity sensor measures temperature and humidity, and photosensitive sensor measures light intensity. wifi module transmits data to cloud platform through MQTT protocol. Android studio is used to write Android mobile phone app and view potted environment data on the mobile phone side. The aim is to design a real-time and effective intelligent potted plant environment remote monitoring system. With oled12864, users can observe the data acquired by various sensors nearby. When the system is running in wifi module, the collected data and information are transmitted to OneNet cloud server through wireless module to trigger the next link to be transferred to mobile phone app and displayed on the application interface of the mobile phone. Users view data, analyze data, and adjust and optimize the real-time environment of potted plants. Finally, tests show that the system can effectively monitor and manage the growth environment of potted plants and basically meet the design objectives.

【Key words】WIFI,Environmental monitoring, Internet of things technology, MQTT protocol ,Stm32 single chip microcomputer

