首页 > 电子信息 > 基于单片机控制的电阻应变仪设计



随着技术的进步, 由传感器制作的电子衡器已广泛地应用到各行各业 , 实现了对物料的快速、准确的称量,特别是随着微处理机的出现,工业生产过程自动化程度化的不断提高,传感器已成为过程控制中的一种必需的装置,从以前不能的大型罐、料斗等重量计测以及吊车秤、汽车秤等计测控制,到混合分配多种原料的配料系统、生产工艺中的自动检测和粉粒体进料量控制等,都应用了传感器,目前,传感器几乎运用到了所有的领域。  
本文 设计 是由电阻 应变仪 式传感器组成的电子秤。电子秤是由电阻 应变仪 ,测量电路,差动放大电路,A/D 转换,上位机 Visual Scope 组成。其中电阻 应变仪 是重中之重。电阻 应变仪 传感器是传感器中应用最多的一种,广泛应用于电子秤以及各种新型结构的测量装置。而差动放大电路的作用就是把传感器输出的微弱的模拟信号进行一定倍数的放大,以满足A/D 转换对输入信号电平的要求。 A/D 转换的作用是把模拟信号转变成数字信号,进行模数转换,然后把数字信号输送到上位机 Visual Scope 中去,最后由上位机显示出测量结果。
关键词: 电阻;传感器;应变仪


With advances in technology, production of electronic scales by the sensor has been widely applied to all walks of life, the realization of the material fast, accurate weighing, especially with the emergence of the microprocessor, the industrial production process automation of continuously improve process control sensors have become an essential means of distribution system from a variety of raw ingredients before the measurement can not be a large tank, hopper weight measuring and crane scales, truck scales, and other controls to the mix, production the process of automatic detection and control of powder feed rate, etc., are applied sensors, current sensors applied to almost all the fields.
This design is the electronic scale by the resistance of strain gauge sensors. Electronic scales by resistance strain gauges, measuring circuit, the differential amplifier circuit, A / D conversion, PC Visual Scope components. Wherein the resistance strain gauge is a top priority. Resistance strain gauge sensor is a sensor in the most widely used, widely used in electronic scales and measuring devices of new structures. The differential amplifier circuit is the role of the weak analog sensor output signal amplification certain multiples to meet the A / D conversion of the input signal level requirements. A / D conversion function is to convert analog signals into digital signals, analog to digital conversion, and the digital signal is sent to the host computer Visual Scope to go, and finally by the host computer to display the measurement results.
Keywords: resistance; sensors; strain gauge

