首页 > 电子信息 > 箱包面料裁剪装置控制系统设计



The paper introduces the A-Side Trimmer System of the steel factory in control of PLC. It is controlled the series of PLC S7-300 Siemens.
The project uses up to the new designed idea. Namely IE equipment integration, it makes maintenance easier and less equipments. As well as the lowness cost automated idea. Namely the level of basic automation use PLC method, the level of process automation use PC, the design of monitor software use industry control configuration software.
First of all, the manual analysis of the working principle of the A-Side Trimmer System of the steel factory, in accordance with technological requirements to statistics input and output points to determine the control process control requirements. And then establishment of control systems based on the model, determine the choice of programmable logic controller hardware (the distribution of input and output points, select each module and model number, CPU capacity and type). Drawing hardware wiring diagram (wiring diagram of input and output, PLC control circuit, the main power supply modules Figure PLC power supply wiring diagram, etc.), the establishment of a program the A-Side Trimmer System of the steel factory, control.
All basic character of the control system as follows: The main technicalelectrical equip- ment, the instrument equipment and computer constitute the system of information and control disperse. Automation system use the class control, except the level of basic automated, it has the level of process automation. We build the real time database and history database of produce. Automation system creates the condition for improving produce technique. We designed the monitor interface. The interface can be easily understand, watched, resolved and manipulated. The control system has t level control system and communication network. The method assures the system integrality rationality.
Key words:A-Side Trimmer System of the steel factory; PLC;Automatic control;Converte

目  录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 引言 1
1.1 箱包面料的发展 1
1.2 课题的来源 1
1.3 本设计的主要内容 1
第2章 可编程控制器在工业控制中的应用 2
2.1 可编程控制器发展的特征 2
2.2 可编程控制器的特点 3
2.3 可编程控制器的功能和应用 4
2.4 可编程控制器的基本组成 5
2.5 可编程控制模块 6
2.5.1  S7-300可编程控制器系统组成 6
2.5.2  S7-300的输入/输出模块 7
2.5.3  S7-300的其他模块 8
第3章 裁剪装置控制系统简介 11
3.1 裁剪装置工艺过程概述[9] 11
3.2 裁剪装置控制系统所用设备简介 12
3.2.1  月牙剪 12
3.2.2  切边剪三辊夹送纠偏辊 13
3.2.3  切边剪 14
3.2.4  碎边剪 15
3.2.5  毛刺机 16
3.2.6  废钢运输机 17
第4章 裁剪装置控制系统硬件的设计 18
4.1 设计PLC控制系统的一般步骤 18
4.2 设计论述 18
4.3 裁剪装置系统中PLC容量及其硬件组成 20
4.3.1  PLC容量的确定 20
4.3.2  I/O模块的选择 21
4.3.3  PLC系统的硬件配置 22
4.4 系统的部分手动操作 23
4.5 电气控制系统 23
第5章 电器元件的选型 26
5.1 电源引入开关 26
5.2 热继电器的选择 26
5.3 熔断器 27
5.4 接触器 27
5.5 传感器的选择 28
5.6 电磁阀的选择 29
第6章 变频器的选择和使用 31
6.1 变频器的选择 31
6.1.1  选择变频器原因 32
6.1.2  选择变频器的依据 32
6.2 变频器的使用方法 32
6.2.1  使用环境 32
6.2.2  变频器的安装 33
6.2.3  变频器的参数设置 34
6.3 变频器的日常维护 35
第7章  系统软件设计 37
7.1  主流程 37
7.2  手动控制流程 38
7.3  高速计数器编程 39
7.4  编程软件 39
4.5  本章小结 40
结  论 41
谢  辞 42
参考文献 43
附录A  PLC连线图 43
附录B  程序 45

