首页 > 电子信息 > 基于组态软件的污水处理系统设计


摘要 :本论文主要研究污水净化处理系统的PLC控制系统,随着城市的快速发展,环境问题显得日益重要。污水是破坏环境的一个重要因素,目前中国污水净化处理自控系统相对落后,污水净化处理成本居高不下,污水站排放的净化处理过的污水的水质不稳定,所以如何建立有效的自控系统,优化运行效果,具有重要的意义。本系统包括监控组态设计和梯形图设计两个方面,实现了中小型城市的污水处理自动控制和远程监控。系统主要由PLC 、液位传感器、进水泵、滗水器、进泥泵及抽泥泵组成,分为手动和自动两种控制方式,使用梯形图语言完成系统对现场的控制;使用MCGS 监控组态软件设计监控界面,不仅可以模拟演示系统工作状况,而且还可以对 现场工作 情况进行实时监控,并对系统进行远程控制,完成SBR 污水处理法的自动运行。当系统发生状况时,能够及时发现,并停止系统,进行检修,减少污水处理过程中事故的发生。
关键词 PLC ;污水处理 系统  MCGS 组态;PLC 控制
Abstract: In this thesis, sewage purification treatment system PLC control system, with the rapid development of the city, environmental issues become increasingly important. Sewage damage to the environment is an important factor, the current Chinese sewage purification treatment automatic control system is relatively backward, the high cost of water purification, sewage purification station discharge treated effluent water quality is unstable, so how to establish an effective automatic control system, optimization operating results, is of great significance. The system includes monitoring configuration and design ladder design aspects, to achieve automatic control of wastewater treatment in smaller cities and remote monitoring. System consists of PLC, level sensors, intake pump, decanter, into the mud pumps and mud pumps, divided into manual and automatic control mode, use the ladder language to complete on-site control system; use MCGS monitoring group state monitoring interface software design, simulation demonstration system can not only working conditions, but also work on-site real-time monitoring, and remote control systems, complete automatic operation SBR wastewater treatment method. When system status, the ability to detect and stop the system, maintenance, reduce the incidence of accidents in the sewage treatment process.
Keywords: PLC; sewage treatment system; MCGS configuration; PLC control


