首页 > 电子信息 > 汽车蓄电池低压报警设计毕业论文+开题+中期答辩+翻译及原文+毕业答辩PPT+检测报告



摘 要






As a convenient, safe and reliable DC power supply, battery is widely used in the fields of electric power, petrochemical, communication and so on. In order to obtain higher voltage, multi-cell battery is often used in series. Due to the difference of the characteristics of the single battery, after a period of operation, the performance of individual batteries in the battery pack becomes worse and then fails, resulting in the degradation of the overall performance of the battery pack and the decrease of the reliability of the whole system. The battery is a kind of chemical reflecting device, the internal chemical reflection is not easy to be found in time, so it is necessary to monitor the running state of the battery on-line in real time.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the electrical equipment can operate safely and continuously even if the AC power supply is completely interrupted, it is necessary to ensure that the performance of the battery pack is good and that it can have sufficient discharge capacity in the event of a thermal power interruption. Therefore, it is of great significance to pay attention to and strengthen the maintenance of battery, especially to carry out real-time on-line monitoring of battery.

In the battery monitoring system, the main content is to monitor the single battery voltage. Among them, the measurement of temperature and current is a routine measurement, and the measurement techniques in these aspects are mature. In the method of voltage measurement, it is very simple to measure a single voltage. Among them, the most important is how to measure the single cell voltage connected together in the battery pack. A lot of research work has been done to solve the problem of how to measure the voltage of single cell.

Key words: battery, detection system, voltage

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章  绪论 1

1.1  选题背景及意义 1

1.2  国内外发展状况 2

1.2.1国内发展现状 2

1.2.2 国外蓄电池监测系统研究现状 2

1.3  研究主要内容 4

第2章 系统总体设计与算法确定 5

2.1 监测系统总体设计原理 5

2.2 主控芯片的选择 6

2.2.1 89C51单片机的概述 7

2.2.2 89C51单片机的主要特性 7

2.2.3 89C51单片机的引脚功能 8

2.3 本系统控制算法的确定 10

2.3.1 内阻与电动势的测量 11

2.3.2 电池温度的测量 14

2.3.3 电池组端电压的测量 14

2.4 本章小结 14

第3章 硬件电路设计 15

3.1 总体硬件电路设计 15

3.2 单片机最小系统设计 16

3.3 系统的监测电路设计 18

3.3.1 电压、电流检测电路设计 19

3.3.2 温度测量电路 21

3.4 人机界面设计 22

3.4.1 键盘输入电路 22

3.4.2 液晶显示电路 23

3.4.3 液晶显示的接口电路 23

3.5 RS-485通讯电路 24

3.6 本章小结 26

第四章 系统软件设计 27

4.1  开发语言和开发环境 27

4.2  主程序模块 28

4.3  数据测量程序模块 29

4.3.1 单总线的工作原理 30

4.3.2 DS2438与单片机通讯 33

4.3.3 系统对蓄电池各参数的检测 34

4.4  显示电路子程序模块 35

4.4.1 1602液晶显示基本操作时序 35

4.4.2  1602指令说明 36

4.4.3  1602标准字库 37

4.4.4 显示子程序功能及流程 37

4.5  串行通讯程序模块 37

4.6  键盘输入子程序模块 38

4.7  报警电路子程序模块 38

第五章 结论 39

参 考 文 献 40

