首页 > 电子信息 > 均匀介质中电场强度仿真器设计


本文针对有界波EMP (电磁脉冲)模拟器的研究, 电磁脉冲模拟器作为外部高能脉冲激励源,为实验研究复杂电磁环境中的电磁预测问题提供了必要的技术支持。 在学习模拟器原理及结构的基础上设计了一套小型平行板电磁脉冲模拟器空间电场 仿真器 。该系统包括电场测量探头、信号调理电路,高速数据采集部分。其中高速数据采集部分采用了 加拿大AlazarTech 公司的高速数据采集卡 ATS9350
本文在查阅了大量文献的基础上,对各种电场 仿真器 的方案进行了综述与比较。对电磁脉冲模拟器的构成及其脉冲源进行了初步探究 和分析
本设计使用MATLAB 软件绘制了信号调理电路的原理图, 并模拟电场 探头感应脉冲电场所产生的电压脉冲信号 进行了激励源的设计, 用此激励源 对原理图进行了MATLAB 仿真 验证 ,得出了想要的信号调理结果。
关键词 :电磁脉冲模拟器,电场测量,信号调理,MATLAB 仿真,

In this paper, the bounded-wave EMP (electromagnetic pulse) simulator, electromagnetic pulse simulator as an external high-energy pulse excitation source for the prediction of complex electromagnetic environment of the experimental study of electromagnetic necessary technical support. Designed on the basis of learning simulators principle and structure of a small parallel-plate EMP simulator space field measurement system. The system consists of the electric field measurement probe, signal conditioning circuits, high speed data acquisition part. Which high-speed data acquisition part the Canadian AlazarTech's high-speed data acquisition card ATS9350.
Access to a lot of literature on the basis of a variety of field measurement system program are reviewed and compared. Conducted a preliminary inquiry and analysis of the composition of the electromagnetic pulse simulator and its pulse source.
This design using OrCAD / MATLAB software to draw a signal conditioning circuit schematic and simulation from electric field probe sensor pulse power spaces voltage pulse signal carried the excitation source design, and with this incentive source schematic carried the MATLAB simulation validation, have a desired signal conditioning results.
Keywords: electromagnetic pulse simulator, electric field measurement, signal conditioning, PSspice simulation,


