首页 > 文科专业 > 基于中国新能源税收政策下成都市场发展路线研究毕业论文+任务书+开题报告


摘  要





The development of new energy vehicles has become China's national strategy. It is an important measure to promote the transformation and upgrading of automobile industry and to seize the commanding heights of international competition. At present,all the developed countries in the world attach great importance to the development of the new energy automobile industry,and the government's policies and measures will be an important force to guarantee the development of the new energy automobile industrialization. This article lists Japan,the United States,and Germany. Should have taken the corresponding policy support measures. Whether the automobile industry of our country can overtake the bend under this new background depends on whether we can seize this opportunity to accelerate the development of new energy vehicles.

This paper analyzes the current situation and development strategy of the new energy vehicle market at home and abroad through the technical survey of the new energy vehicle,and finds out the problem of Chengdu market. This paper studies the fiscal and tax policies to promote the development of the new energy automobile industry in China,and comes up with some tax policy suggestions for the development of the new energy automobile industry in Chengdu. This paper expounds the basic concepts and elements of the new energy vehicle,and emphatically analyzes which international experiences China should learn from the R & D and industrialization of the new energy vehicle technology,in order to improve the technical research and development level of our country and improve the industrial tax policy of our country. The development strategy of new energy automobile and the influence and help of Chinese industrial system on Chengdu market are expounded in detail. Help,put forward the general change trend and its new characteristics. In order to provide reference for the development of China's new energy automobile industry,the market survey is carried out in the form of questionnaire survey,and the policies of developing new energy vehicles in foreign countries such as Japan,the United States and the European Union are also studied in order to provide reference for the development of new energy automobile industry in China. According to the above analysis,this paper puts forward the countermeasures and measures to improve the development of new energy vehicles in Chengdu under the background of low carbon. Finally,make a summary of the full text. The research of this paper is mainly based on the development of new energy vehicles in Chengdu. The development of new energy vehicles also plays a guiding role in the whole country and has made outstanding contributions to the development of the whole new energy automobile industry. In this paper,the relevant industrial policy theory is used to provide relevant policy recommendations for the development of new energy vehicles in Chengdu.

Key words: new energy;automobile;tax policy;transformation;suggestion

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景及意义 1

1.2国内外新能源汽车税收政策现状 2

1.2.1国内新能源汽车税收政策 2

1.2.2国外新能源汽车税收政策 3

1.3本课题研究主要内容 4

第二章 新能源汽车市场发展现状及存在的问题 5

2.1市场发展现状 5

2.1.1国家的政策与新能源汽车的销售 5

2.1.2 我国近几年新能源汽车产销量 6

2.1.3新能源汽车产量以及渗透率预测 7

2.1.4 环境的影响 7

2.2存在的问题 7

第三章 成都市新能源汽车发展现状调查及分析 9

3.1调查背景 9

3.2调查目的 9

3.3调查内容及分析 9

第四章 成都市新能源汽车市场发展路线及对策 13

4.2发展目标及战略 13

4.2完善设施配套,加强建设管理 13

4.3出台优惠税收政策,优化推广环境 13

4.4健全服务体系,保障售后服务 14

结  论 15

致  谢 16

参考文献 17

附录:调查报告 18

