首页 > 电子信息 > 35kV输变电设计(通讯)毕业论文


摘  要








Substation computer monitoring system is the use of object-oriented design thinking, and relying on computer technology, network communication technology, modern control technology and graphic display technology will substation set control, measurement and modern management feature set as oneintegrated automation system. In this thesis, needle on-site the actual existence of problems and the the current the the development trend of of the substation monitoring system and a substation-and-control-of the a special process, put forward the the the basic characteristics of design by the 35kv substation integrated automation monitoring system and the some of the use requirements. Substation 35kV ground as the background, compared the advantages and disadvantages of the various configuration tools, monitoring configuration software development process, and lists the advantages and disadvantages of different configuration environment, based on a simple InTouch software monitoring design.


Key words: Substation; Supervisory software; InTouch





目  录

摘  要 1


目  录 1

1绪论 2

1.1 发展变电所综合自动化系统的意义 2

1.2 变电所综合自动化系统的发展过程 3

1.3 变电站综合自动化监控系统在国内外的发展现状 4

1.4 研究内容 5

2变电站综合自动化监控系统的结构设计 6

2.1概述 6

2.2集中式综合自动化监控系统的结构及特点 6

2.3分层分布式综合自动化监控系统的结构及特点 7

2.3.1分层分布式监控系统的基本结构和特点 7

2.3.2主要硬件设备及其功能 8

2.4变电站自动化系统数据通信 9

2.4.1变电站监控系统数据通信概述 9

2.4.2变电站监控系统常用通信技术 9

2.5变电站自动化系统的监控软件功能要求 10

电站计算机在线监控系统实现 11

3.1软件的组态 11

3.1.1 创建窗口 11

3.1.2 使用图像和位图 12

3.1.3 使用文本对象 13

3.1.4 创建动画链接 14

3.1.5 使用线条和轮廓 15

3.2 使用向导 16

3.3 标记名字典 17

3.3.1 标记名类型 17

3.3.2定义新的标记名 19

3.4 实时趋势和历史趋势 20

3.4.1 实时趋势 20

3.5 报警/事件 22

3.5.1 报警的特点 22

3.5.2 报警系统的实现 23

3.5.3标记名报警配置 27

3.6 脚本程序的实现 28

3.6.1脚本的类型 28

3.6.2脚本程序的实现 28

3.7小结 32

4总结 32

参考文献: 33

致谢 35

