首页 > 电子信息 > 基于winbond0.5um工艺的带频率补偿的二级运算运算放大电路











Operational amplifier is the basic module of electronic circuits, and has a wide range of applications in the field of home appliances, industry, national defense, military and technology and electronic equipment. The operational amplifier (OP AMP) because of its early application in addition and subtraction, integral, differential operation circuit named. The operational amplifier can not only deal with the signal, but also is an important part of the active power filter, the oscillator and the comparator. According to different needs, the design of operational amplifier is put forward different requirements. The operational amplifier has a very high voltage gain, generally using differential input, there are two input terminals of the same phase input and forward input, and two kinds of different output forms. In the circuit, the a negative feedback network to reduce the nonlinear distortion. Single stage operational amplifiers are generally stable, amplifiers are more complex, so the frequency compensation is needed to keep the stability of the amplifier in the closed loop operation.

Taking the traditional two stage operational amplifier as an example, this paper expounds the frequency compensation principle of the amplifier, and introduces the frequency compensation structure. Based on O.I8} m, a three stage operational amplifier is designed in SMIC process, which increases the input and output swing at the same time with a larger DC gain. Using the appropriate frequency compensation structure, the compensation, simulation results show that, the design of three-stage operational amplifier in a supply voltage of 3.3V, load 5pf capacitor when the DC open loop gain for the 155dB, unity gain bandwidth to 32mhz, phase margin degree 56.09 0, with ideal frequency response and transient response, and the compensation capacitor value is smaller, optimize the chip area, easily implemented in CMOS technology. Gain and phase margin all meet the design requirements.

KEY WORDS:multistage operational amplifer; frequency compensation; phase margin; stability





第一章 2

1.1课题研究背景与意义 2

1.2频率补偿电路研究现状 3

1.3本论文的结构和主要工作 4

二章 基础知识简介 6

2.1集成电路简介 6

2.2 CMOS运算放大器 6

2.2.1理想运放的模型 6

2.2.2非理想运算放大器 7

2.2.3运放的性能指标 7

2.3 CMOS运算放大器的常见结构 8

2.3.1单级运算放大器 8

2.3.2简单差分放大器 9

2.3.3折叠式共源共栅(Folded-cascode)放大器 9

2.4版图的相关知识 10

2.4.1版图介绍 10

2.4.2硅栅CMOS工艺版图和工艺的关系 10

2.4.3 Tanner介绍 10

第三章 运算放大器的稳定性 11

第四章 两级运放的频率补偿原理与技术 13

4.1频率补偿的基本原理 13

4.2两级运算放大器的频率补偿 15

第五章 结论 19


