首页 > 文科专业 > 研究微博中承诺和信用对消费者行为倾向的影响


摘 要:本研究的目的是探索消费者对企业通过微博进行关系营销的观点。这项研究是以承诺-信用理论以及消费者对企业微博形象、承诺、信用、满意度和社群意识对消费者的行为倾向的研究为基础的。这项研究的成果可以成为企业利用微博进行关系营销的准则。这项研究显示消费者的满意度对承诺、信用、社群意识和消费者的行为倾向具有积极影响。企业形象对承诺和信用的影响是成立的,但对行为倾向的影响需须经由承诺和信用产生中介效果。信用对承诺和社群意识的影响是存在的,但是对行为倾向的影响须经由承诺和社群意识产生中介效果。最后,承诺和社群意识对行为倾向的影响是成立的。
2.1 微博
2.2 关系营销
2.3 企业形象
2.4 社群意识
3.1 研究模型


4.1 数据收集和抽样计划
4.2 数据分析过程和方法
4.3 描述性统计
4.3.1 描述性统计的受访者
项目 说明 平均值 标准差
S1 注册这个企业的微博是一个正确决定。 5.126 1.098
S2 自从注册总是很满意该企业微博内容。 5.975 1.099
S3 一般说来,我很满意本企业微博所提供的服务。 5.126 1.008
CI1 该企业的管理有一个良好的形象。 5.464 1.163
CI2 该企业是可靠的。 5.490 1.122
CI3 该企业普及率很高。 5.789 1.142
CI4 该企业衡量消费者的利益和权利。 5.185 1.178
CI5 该企业产品宣传很吸引人。 5.448 1.124
CI6 该企业的实践者很专业。 5.030 1.118
C1 我非常关注该企业未来的发展 4.810 1.212
C2 我希望与该企业的微博关系能长久维持。 5.007 1.112
C3 我愿意投入跟多的努力和资产用于管理企业的微博(例如消费更多或口耳相传)。 4.785 1.166
C4 我很高兴通过微博对企业的产品或服务提建议。 4.965 1.084
C5 我将会全身心维护与企业的关系。 4.812 1.119
T1 企业微博上提供给用户的信息是正确和可靠的。 5.081 1.054
T2 该企业的微博是值得信赖和诚实的。 5.278 1.017
T3 该企业的产品质量在一定标准之上。 5.259 1.061
T4 该企业的服务质量在一定标准之上。 5.380 1.058
T5 该企业微博首先重视消费者的利益。 5.348 1.038
T6 该企业微博有丰富的产品知识、能力和技术。 4.820 1.088
SC1 我对该企业微博有很强的归属感。 4.734 1.118
SC2 我认为该企业微博是我的一个好朋友。 4.679 1.135
SC3 我关注该企业微博上其他成员对我的评价。 4.719 1.049
SC4 我在该企业微博上回复的信息经常被其他人浏览。 4.562 1.191
SC5 我认为在该企业微博上花时间是值得的。 4.515 1.170
SC6 我可以从该企业微博上得到我想要的信息。 4.744 1.085
SC7 我的需求与该企业微博上其他成员的需求一致。 5.039 0.993
SC8 该企业微博上的成员会共同协作解决问题。 4.871 1.019
SC9 该企业微博上的成员相处融洽。 4.681 1.074
SC10 其喜欢该企业微博上的成员。 4.691 0.099
BI1 我会一直关注该企业的微博。 5.312 1.053
BI2 在未来我会经常关注该企业微博。 5.145 1.093
BI3 我会很愿意建议其他人关注该企业微博。 4.774 1.144
4.4 可靠性分析
概念 项目号码 合成信度 克伦巴赫信度
满意度 6 0.8007 0.916482
企业形象 4 0.942658 0.923848
承诺 6 0.93665 0.917854
信用 10 0.952904 0.945135
社群意识 3 0.920713 0.870023
行为倾向 3 0.924712 0.864382
4.5 效度分析
结构 项目 负载 平均值
满意度 S1 0.8581 0.804334
 S2 0.9756 
 S3 0.8514 
企业形象 CI3 0.7711 0.698132
 CI4 0.863 
 CI5 0.8754 
 CI6 0.8288 
承诺 C1 0.8345 0.766898
 C2 0.8983 
 C3 0.8853 
 C4 0.8708 
 C5 0.8883 
信用 T1 0.8245 0.712364
 T2 0.8764 
 T3 0.869 
 T4 0.8888 
 T5 0.8763 
 T6 0.7164 
社群意识 SC1 0.8014 0.669511
 SC2 0.8605 
 SC3 0.8752 
 SC4 0.8068 
 SC5 0.791 
 SC6 0.8343 
 SC7 0.7861 
 SC8 0.7971 
 SC9 0.8249 
 SC10 0.8 
行为倾向 BI1 0.9022 0.794972
 BI2 0.9291 
 BI3 0.8413 

Chien-Lung Hsu1*, Chia-Chang Liu2 and Yuan-Duen Lee3
1Perfect Elite Co., LTD.
Port Louis (00230), Mauritius
2Golden Asset Management Consultant LTD.
Taipei (104), Taiwan
3Graduate School of Business and Operations Management
Chang Jung Christian University
Tainan (711), Taiwan
The purpose of this study is to explore consumers’ views on enterprises conducting relationship marketing through micro-blogging. The basis of this study is the base on commitment-trust theory with the influences of consumers’ satisfaction with the micro-blog page of enterprises, corporate images, commitment, trust, and sense of community on consumers’ behavioral intention. The result of this study can be used as principles for enterprises to manage their relationship marketing through micro-blogging and construct their micro-blog page. The result of this study shows that consumers’ satisfaction has positive influences on commitment, trust, sense of community, and behavioral intentions.The influences of corporate images on commitment and trust are supported, but the influences on behavioral intentions must go through the mediators, commitment and trust.The influences of trust on commitment and sense of community exist, but the influences on behavioral intentions must go through the mediators, commitment and sense of community.Lastly, the influences of commitment and sense of community on behavioral intentions exist.
Keywords: Micro-blog, Relationship Marketing, Satisfaction, Corporation Image,Commitment, Trust, Sense of Community, Behavioral Intention.
While facing the current business environment in the new economy age, many enterprises have transformed into customer-oriented enterprises in a short time. To improve competitiveness, enterprises must understand their customers, know what their customers want, and satisfy their customers’ needs through customized services. With the environment change brought by the age of technology, enterprises have built their relationships with customers through information systems. With data of customers’ online surfing histories, enterprises can offer them more product information and obtain their responses in real time. This way, cost of customer services can be reduced, customer relationship can be secured, more connections with customers can be made, and communication can be personalized.
Base on Gronroos’ [12] research, he believed that relationship marketing means enterprises develop, maintain, and improve their relationship with customers in order to reach their goals. More and more enterprises develop related attractive power by building their images to retain and draw new customers. Therefore, a company’s professionalism and the building of its image is important for the company. Whether a company can provide services or products to meet customers’ demands influences customers’ trust and loyalty to the company.
According to the Web 2.0 fever, mass media have covered stories of many novel and interesting websites, drawing more public attention to the Internet. These issues are no longer issues for only heavy users of the internet. The internet has developed rapidly. Recent micro blogging service providers such as Facebook, Twitter, and Plurk are hot topics for news and have accumulated a large amount of users. According to the latest report by Nielsen, which is a market research company, during the period of February, 2008 through February, 2009, Twitter is one of the social websites with fastestusers). The growth rate of unique visitors in the US is1382%. In May, 2009, the number of global users had reached 37,300,000, which is an astonishing number.Bloggers have been talking about whether “micro blogs can replace blogs”. What internet users care about are whether micro blogs can shorten the distances between them and their friends, and whether micro blogs can help them make new friends. However, what business owners care about is whether micro blogs can replace blogs as a new weapon for
Blog marketing is about not only becoming confidants of internet users, but also the need of good words from a “trusted” online spokesman. Bloggers become trusted online spokesman due to their long-term efforts spent in certain topics. Through writing articles, they have built their images as “masters” in internet users’ hearts. As a result, even their “one good word” can be very powerful and influential. This is the effectiveness of blog marketing [20]. Blog power: Examining the effects of practitioner blog use on power in public relations.
As for micro-blogging, we can see Google on Twitter. After Google’s Twitter account was established, immediately there were 16 thousand followers. Now the number of Google’s Twitter followers is 176 million. This means every time Google announces a piece of news on Twitter, 176 million people will be notified in the next second via the internet or SMS. The speed and range of spreading news are amazing.
Also take Dell, a major international computer manufacturer, for example, through the ability of micro blogging to deliver messages, information of special offers can be rapidly delivered to all the micro blog users through text messages. Because prices are good, many users have immediately decided to become Dell’s followers. And Dell continues to provide followers more first-hand e-coupons. As a result, the total order amount through micro blogging has reached NT$100,000,000. Through micro-blogging, messages can be delivered to internet users more quickly. However, this does not mean any kind of marketing information can be posted through micro blogging at will. The principles here are thesame as the principles for online marketing: published information must contain inducers which may be attractive to internet users. Dell has successfully drawn more and more followers through publishing e-coupons or information of special offers. Therefore, the key of spreading information is the number of followers. This is what those who manipulate micro blogs should spend more efforts in.
Moreover, micro-blogging represents a real-time medium for online communication. Therefore, like through MSN, enterprises may further become cyber friends with these internet users. However, the difference is that micro-blogs are openpublic platforms. Thus, the sense of intimacy is not one-to-one but one-to-many. Like the President of the United States, Obama’s case, one million fans, it means when a message is posted on the micro-blog, one million people will receive it. This number is amazing. Most important of all, because friendships are built on these platforms, there is less distance or sense of unfamiliarity than the situation with internet advertisement or other internet media. The possibility of messages being received is much higher. In addition, the mechanism of fans and friends can not only fulfill the purpose of delivering messages, but also improve customer loyalty and satisfaction. By one single move, many advantages can be gained. During the period when blogs are popular, many people have claimed that blogs are very good media for online word-of-mouth marketing. Here, we assert that micro-blogs can do better than blogs. Besides word-of-mouth marketing, micro-blogs can also be used for social media marketing. Through interactions with friends and fans, the viscosity of social media can be very effective.
Enterprises create and operate their micro blogs for two reasons: The first one is to build a social network of users or potential consumers. They interact with consumers as their “friends” to influence their purchase decisions. The second one is to monitor public opinions. Enterprises respond to internet users’ praises or criticism through micro-blog.The issue which will be discussed in this research is how to build customer relationship through micro blogging in order to retain customers.
Thus, the research is centered on the customers’ conception of using micro-blog as a relationship marketing tool by enterprises. The purposes of this research are:
1. To explore the impact of customers by enterprises micro-blog .
2. To explore the impact of customers satisfaction and corporate image of the enterprises micro-blog to relationship marketing.
3. To explore the impact of customers satisfaction, corporate image, trust, commitment and sense of community of the enterprises micro-blog to customers behavioral intention.
4. To provide enterprises principles for establishing and operating their micro-blogs as a relationship marketing tool.
2.1 Micro-blog
Micro-blogging is a new form of communication in which users can describe their current status in short posts distributed by instant messages (MSN, G-talk, and Yahoo), mobile phones (SMS), RSS, email or the Web site. According to Beaumont’s [3] definition, micro-blogging has taken the concept of blogging which is sharing thoughts and opinions, inviting discussion and telling people about your life. It allows whom we choose to follow, and who follows us. While on the contrary to conventional blogs’ unlimited entry length, micro-blog messages are usually posted by mobile phone text messages and are therefore currently restricted to only 140 characters per message which is short, sharp and to the point.
 The most significant feature of micro-blogging is, besides limitation in number of words, the concept of fans and friends. To become someone’s fan or follower, approval from him is not required. Therefore, the acceptance of messages is voluntary. On the other hand, to become someone’s friend, approval from him is required. After approval, besides being able to receive messages from him, your messages will also be delivered to him. In simple words, a fan relationship means messages can only be delivered one way. On the contrary, a friend relationship means messages can be delivered in two ways. They can be sent, and they can be received.
According to the characters of micro-blog, The research thinks that this concept has brought enterprise micro-blog marketing an effect of making their images not annoying, because those who receive messages from them receive messages “voluntarily”. They are enterprises’ friends or fans. The symbolization here is that internet users are willing to receive your messages. Once they find themselves disliking the messages, they can break off the relationship with you or give up their identity as fans. Or, if they find the messages interesting and useful, the marketing will become very effective. Further, you will have plenty of space to develop your relationship with these fans and friends to make them feel “satisfied” and continuously receive messages from enterprises.
2.2 Relationship Marketing
The concept of “relationship marketing” was formed in early 60s. It originated with “industrial marketing” in the industry in Northern Europe. At that time there weren’t many transactions in the organizational markets of industry and commerce. And both sellers and buyers know enough about the products. Therefore, their focus was usually not onthe products but the interactions between them. Thus, most sellers and buyers would sign contracts to maintain their long-term relationships so that they could depend on each other and survive together [13].
The term “relationship marketing” was first proposed in 1983 by Berry [5], who believed that relationship marketing is to attract customers, retain them, and develop various services. He also believed that attracting new customers is just a part of the marketing process. However, in the marketing process, more emphasis should be placed on enhancing customer relationship, transforming different kinds of customers into loyal customers, and making customers feel like they are home when visiting stores.
Morgan and Hunt [17] believed that two key factors of successful marketing are relationship commitment and trust. Therefore, they proposed a commitment-trust theory and created a Key Mediating Variable (KMV) model. Thus, relationship commitment and trust are considered as mediating variables, which are between 5 prior conditions (including relationship termination costs, relationship benefits, shared value, communication, and opportunistic behavior) and the results caused by relationship commitment and trust (acquiescence, propensity to leave, cooperation. functional conflict, and decision-making uncertainty). This model emphasizes that commitment and trust directly lead to cooperation behaviors which are beneficial to the success of relationship marketing. Most of the researches related to relationship marketing in the recent 20 years have supported the theory that trust is the mediating variable and from the psychological aspect of affections trust can be considered as the affiliation motivation of relationship maintenance. And most of researches have considered commitment as an index or outcome variable of relationship maintenance.
Trust originated from the researches by psychologists of the influences of this concept on interpersonal relationship. Usually, it means the degree of one person’s confidence in another person or the relationship between them [15]. And the concept, trust, had become an important issue in the field of marketing research a long time ago. Wilson [27] pointed out that, in many relationship models, trust has been considered as a basic concept, and usually the key to successful relationship. In the research by Morgan and Hunt [15], trust is defined as the confidence index of being willing to depend on a trading partner. It also means customers’ motivation to hold positive expectation toward enterprises when facing risks or being in disadvantage. In addition, Sonja [23] believed that, in the cyberspace, trust plays a role of spreading out and receiving e-businesses. And in the cyberspace, trust is a key factor of success,
because trust can reduce uncertainty and complexity of transactions and relationship.
Relative to trust, commitment is considered as a key to build a successful and friendly “long-term” relationship and develop relational transactions. According to Morgan and Hunt [17], commitment is defined as trading partners believing in the importance of their business relationship and being willing to do all they can to keep it. In other words, the party which makes commitment believes the relationship is worth keeping and guarantees to continuously protect it forever.
Boulding et al. [7] believed that customers would develop the emotion of satisfaction when having a positive attitude toward the service experiences they have obtained. And then they tend to welcome to receive that service again. Their loyalty would become higher. According to the relationship quality model proposed by Crosby, Evans and Cowels[9], if customers have been satisfied with salespersons previous performances, they would be able to rely on those salespersons’ honesty and shows confidence in their future performances. The result of this research indicates that previous experiences of successful sales do not crease opportunities of continuous sales. The opportunities of continuous future interaction depend on the quality of relationship “customers” perceive. And these opportunities are also influenced by salespersons’ similarity in tradition and professional knowledge.
2.3 Corporate Image
Boulding [6] proposed the term “image”. He believed that image is a kind of objective perception instead of true content of an incident. It means the point of view generated or perceived by some fragments or insufficient information some people rely on. In other words, enterprises’ images are the subjective attitudes and feelings derived by consumers according to these enterprises and their performances.
In addition, Nguyen and Leblanc [19] mentioned that the factors of enterprises’ images may be from the substances of enterprises and consequences of their behaviors perceived by customers, including names, traditions, management philosophy, and services. Image is a result of interactions among all customers’ experiences, feelings, thoughts, and knowledge about an enterprise. Thus, an enterprise’s image is the subjective and perceived attitude generated by consumers according to the enterprise’s substance and information related to activities, products, or services it offers.
2.4 Sense of Community
Community which defined in Bellah et al. ‘s [4] book, as follows: A community is a group of people who are socially interdependent, who participate together in discussion and decision making, and who share certain practices that both define the community and are nurtured by it. Such a community is not quickly formed. It almost always has a history and so is also a community of memory, defined in part by its past and its memory of the past. Community researchers have been interested in sense of community since at least the 1960s, because sense of community is believed to have beneficial outcomes that do not result when sense of community is absent.
Furthermore, sense of community is defined by McMillan and Chavis [16] as a feeling that members of a group have of belonging, a feeling that members matter to one another and to a group, and a shared faith that the members’ needs will be met through their commitment to be together. According to their study, there were four constructs that can represent the effect: feelings of membership, feelings of nfluence, integration and fulfillment of needs and shared emotional connection. Feelings of membership states feelings of belonging to and
identifying with the community. Feelings of influence infers to feelings of having influence on and being influenced by the community. Integration and fulfillment of needs describes feelings of being supported by other members in the community while also supporting them. Shared emotional connection is the feelings of relationships, shared history and a spirit of community. Also in Westheimer and Kahne [26] defined sense of community as a result of interaction and deliberation by people brought together by similar interests and common goals.
3.1 Research Model
The research is focus on consumers’ views on enterprises conducting relationship marketing through micro-blogging. The research model is based on KMV model which contains with the influences of consumers’ satisfaction with the micro-blog page of enterprises, corporate images, commitment, trust, and sense of community on consumers’ behavioral intention. According to the literature review, we make the following hypothesis and the research model show as Figure 1.

The first hypothesis to be tested is the influences of consumers’ satisfaction with enterprises’ micro-blogs on commitment, trust, sense of community, and behavioral intention. Satisfaction is
an important factor of enterprises establishing long-term relationship with customers. According to Westbrook [25], satisfaction is an emotional state. It is determined by the degree of coming up with the products or achieving the service interests customers expect. It reflects assessment of experiences of interactions and degree of consistency. Because time required to deliver services is long and salespersons’ performances may not be as consistent as customers expect, the uncertainty which customers perceive would increase, and customers would depend more on salespersons’ previous performances to predict their future behaviors. Therefore, customers’ satisfaction with salespersons is the key to good relationship. In summary, whether customers would conduct more exchange behaviors with an enterprise to achieve long-term interactive effects determined by the quality of their relationship. Therefore, good relationship quality means customers can, through continuous satisfaction, further trust and be moreconfident with salespersons. Good relationship quality also means customers can completed trust salespersons and then eliminate their uncertainty. In addition, Lam et al. [14] mentioned in their research that satisfied consumers would develop a motive to visit again and consider bringing other customers as their responsibility. In other words, they would benefit from browsing the web pages and continuously to visit these websites to enjoy the benefits. Satisfied consumers would also hope to share interests with others and expect these web pages to always be available. Therefore, they would recommend the websites to others. Thus, in this study, the following hypotheses were proposed:
H1a: Customers’ satisfaction with enterprises’ micro-blogs has a positive influence on customers’ commitment
H1b: Customers’ satisfaction with enterprises’ micro-blogs has a positive influence on customers’ trust.
H1c: Customers’ satisfaction with enterprises’ micro-blogs has a positive influence on customers’ sense of community.
H1d: Customers’ satisfaction with enterprises’ micro-blogs has a positive influence on customers’ behavioral intention.
The second hypothesis to be tested is the influences of consumers’ perception of enterprises’ images on commitment, trust, sense of community, and behavioral intention. According to the research by Singh and Sirdeshmukh [22], enterprises with good images may create quality guarantees in customers’ impressions. Customers would therefore “trust” these enterprises. Secondly, enterprises’ images may also be built from repeated purchase experiences. Enterprises’ images may, through different types of media such as advertisement or families’ or friends’ word of mouth, influence consumers’ perception of quality before purchasing products or getting services. According to the research by Robertson and Gatignon [21], enterprises’ images may facilitate consumers’ knowledge of certain enterprises’ products or services and reduce their uncertainty when making purchase decisions, so that they would buy products from enterprises with good images to reduce risk of consumption. In Batra, Lehmann and Singh‘s [2] research, they thought corporate image is the subjective attitude of customers during the activity within enterprises which will induce consumers to have an emotional connection and to bring the sense of identity. Also this study believes that, if positive enterprise images can guide consumers to perceive their characteristics of honesty and reliability, consumers trust and commitment may be established. Thus, in this study, the following hypotheses were proposed:
H2a: Customers’ perception of enterprises’ images of micro-blogs has a positive influence on customers’ commitment.
H2b: Customers’ perception of enterprises’ images of micro-blogs has a positive influence on customers’ trust.
H2c: Customers’ perception of enterprises’ images of micro-blogs has a positive influence on sense of community.
H2d: Customers’ perception of enterprises’ images of micro-blogs has a positive influence on customers’ behavioral intention.
The third hypothesis to be tested is the influences of consumers’ trust in enterprises’ micro-blogs on commitment, sense of community, and behavioral intention. Customers who have signed up to be members of enterprises’ micro-blogs, after having some experiences with these micro-blogs, would evaluate the fairness and honesty of the enterprises of those websites and the ability to achieve enterprises commitment according to the products or services provided by these enterprises and the interests and values, which they can obtain from those micro-blogs. In Garbarino and Johnson’s [11] research mentioned that trust is a precursor of commitment. Because commitment involves potential vulnerability and sacrifice, it follows that customers are unlikely to be committed unless trust already established. When consumers trust an enterprise, if
they have to buy the same type of products again, they are very likely to buy from this enterprise again. And in the process of purchase, trust and reliability perceived are being enhanced continuously and eventually become loyal consumers of the enterprise. According to Singh and Sirdeshmukh [22], strong trust may transform a very satisfied customer into a very loyal customer, which means the customer would continuously use the product or service. Thus, in this study, the following hypotheses were proposed:
H3a: Customers’ trust in enterprises’ micro-blogs has a positive influence on customers’ commitment.
H3b: Customers’ trust in enterprises’ micro-blogs has a positive influence on customers’ sense of community.
H3c: Customers’ trust in enterprises’ micro-blogs has a positive influence on customers’ behavioral intention.
The fourth hypothesis to be tested is the influences of consumers’ commitment to enterprises’ micro-blogs on behavioral intention. According to the research by Morgan and Hunt [17], customers’ high satisfaction with enterprises would result in high their commitment. And the customers who have made commitment to enterprises are usually more loyal to these enterprises. This kind of commitment from customers is very valuable. It drives customers to make purchases over and over again, spread out positive praises, and even defend and explain for enterprises when enterprises are criticized. Thus, in this study, the following hypothesis was proposed:
H4: Customers’ commitment to enterprises’ micro-blogs has a positive influence on customers’ behavioral intention.
The fifth hypothesis to be tested is the influences of consumers’ sense of community for enterprises’ micro-blogs on behavioral intention. According to the research by Lai and Chen [24], users who have strong sense of community for websites would develop home-like feeling for those websites. They would be more willing to share their emotions, write articles, and interact with other members on the websites. They would be more interested in the website and spend more time on them. Therefore, this study believes that customers with strong sense of community would be willing to participate in all kinds of activities when browsing web pages of micro-blogs. Thus, in this study, the following hypothesis was proposed:
H5: Customers’ sense of community of enterprises’ micro-blogs has a positive influence on customers’ behavioral intention.
4.1 Data Collection and Sampling Plan
The data used in this research has been collected through an online sampling survey, which is hosted in my3q.com (http://www.my3q.com). The respondents are the users who have follow or become fans of the micro-blog webpage of corporations (e.g.,PLURK, Twitter, etc) in Taiwan. The respondents are asked to evaluate the designed items within the questionnaire. All items are measured on a 7-point Likert scale. There are 554 respondents filling out the questionnaire. Among the 554 questionnaires retrieved, 26 are invalid. After excluding the invalid ones, 528 questionnaires are used for analyses in the study. The valid response rate is 95.31%.
4.2 Data Analysis Procedure and Methods
After the online questionnaire survey, we use Visual PLS 1.04b1 software to analyze the data retrieved. There are four statistical analysis methods applied to analyze and verify the data, as follows:
1. Descriptive Statistics
2. Reliability Analysis
3. Validity Analysis
4. Structure Equation Modeling
4.3 Descriptive Statistics
4.3.1 Descriptive Statistics of the Respondents
The descriptive information include participants’ characteristics such as gender, age, educational background, job and behavior of using any functions in a micro-blog website like a service provider, the time spent on micro-blogging services, the time spent on the internet, and the frequency of posting messages and reading other bloggers’ messages. There are 321 male respondents and 207 female respondents. 94% of the respondents are 19-30 years old. About 96% of the respondents are above bachelor education. Most of the respondents are students. It takes 68%. 76% of respondents use internet 7-9 hour a day and 56% spend 7-9 hour on micro-blog website.
4.3.2 Descriptive Statistics of the Questionnaires
In this section, the result of descriptive statistics of the questionnaires retrieved is shown in the Table 1. There are three items regarding satisfaction, six items regarding corporate image, five items regarding commitment, six items regarding trust, ten items regarding sense of community, and three items regarding behavioral intention.




The purpose of this study is to explore consumers’ views on enterprises conducting relationship marketing through micro-blogging. The basis of this study is the KMV model with the influences of consumers’ satisfaction with the micro-blog of the enterprises, corporate image, commitment, trust, and sense of community on consumers’ behavioral intention.
According to the research result, we are able to verify that the influences of consumers’ satisfaction with the micro-blog of enterprise on commitment, trust, sense of community, and consumers’ behavioral intention are significant. Therefore, enterprises should spend more effort improving consumers’ satisfaction with their micro-blogs. For example, they may improve operators’ responding time and quality of marketing activities, or update their information more
According to the research result, the influences of corporation images on consumers’ commitment, trust and commitment are significant. In other words, consumers would develop identification with and trust in enterprises with good images. According to Aaker [1] mentioned that corporate image can build up some kind of personality. Then can strength the connection between enterprises and customers. Thus, through micro-blogging, personalities of enterprises’ own brands can be delivered to the public. In the cyberspace, good enterprise images will be created, leading to consumers’ emotional dependency. However, it is found that there is no direct influence of enterprises’ images on consumers’ behavioral intention. This study believes the reason is because, for enterprises’ images to influence consumers’ behavioral intention, it must go through the internalization of emotions to transform these feelings into commitment to and trust in enterprises.
 In addition, trust has direct influences on consumers’ commitment and sense of community. Consumers’ trust in enterprises’ micro-blogs would enhance their commitment to and sense of community for enterprises. Proprietors must establish relationship based on trust with their customers, for trust is the key to success of all kinds of relationship and trust may reduce consumers’ uncertainty while making decisions. Therefore, web pages of micro-blogs must be designed with sincere consideration for customers’ interests. Personalized services and information which meets customers’ demands shall be provided. Devout suggestions shall be offered to customers in order to make friends and establish relationship with them true-heartedly, winning their trust. However, according to this study, the influences of consumers’ trust on their behavioral intention must go through sense of community and commitment, which can create words-of-mouth and enhance emotion factor.
Lastly, the hypothesis of sense of community influencing consumers’ behavioral intention has been proven. In other words, interaction consumers perform through web pages of enterprises’ micro-blogs increases their intention to purchase enterprises’ products repeatedly or use enterprises’ services continuously. Consequently, enterprises shall improve interactions on web pages of their micro-blogs. The spirit of micro-blogging is to interact and communicate. Consumers do not want to see enterprises sing their own praises. To conduct relationship marketing through micro-blogging, what is truly required is atmosphere of one big family. Through sincere interaction and conversation with consumers, enterprises would be able to make friends with them.
Because sample of this study was collected online, a limitation was formed. Most respondents
were students of ages ranging from 20-30. The sample does not completely represent the population. For further study in the future, surveys may be conducted in different fields. In addition, the research subjects were consumers who had signed up enterprises’ micro-blogs in Taiwan. In different countries, culture and lifestyle may be different. Also a comparison can be made between enterprises in different industries, to find out more about relationship marketing through micro-blogging.
 The focus of this study is on consumers’ views on enterprises conducting relationship marketing through micro-blogging. However, there weren’t factors to evaluate consumers’ satisfaction and enterprises’ images, such as technology standard for micro-blogging, easiness to use for operating platforms, and usability of enterprises’ information. All these factors shall be further studied to discover more characteristics of relationship marketing through micro-blogging. How to attack more consumers to sign up and receive information from enterprises? How to encourage consumers to participate in discussions on web pages or even marketing activities? These questions are worthy to be discussed by other scholars in the future.
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