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移动通信网是一个不断变化的网络,网络结构、无线环境、用户分布和使用行为都在不断地变化,需要持续不断地对网络进行优化调整以适应各种变化。无线网络优化是一个长期的过程,它贯穿于网络发展的全过程。只有不断地提高网络质量,才能让用户满意,吸引和发展更多的用户。当前, 第三代移动通信系统在全世界引起广泛的关注。 TD-SCDMA 是由我国提出的、享有知识产权并得到 ITU 批准的三大主流标准之一。随着 TD―SCDMA 移动通信技术的发展 , 各种关键技术顺利解决 ,TD―SCDMA 系统终端、基站和无线控制器等设备的商用化 , 为了提高系统容量、扩大基站覆 盖范围、保证信号传输质量 , 向更多的用户提供最多的业务内容及价值 , 同时达到投资成本的最优 , 网络优化工作越来越重要。所谓无线网络优化,就是根据系统的实际表现和实际性能,对系统进行分析,在分析的基础上,通过对网络资源和系统参数的调整,使系统性能逐步得到改善,达到系统现有配置条件下的最优服务质量。本文介绍了以第三代移动通信系统 TD-SCDMA 为核心来讨论无线网络的优化过程、优化内容、优化措施。通过对 TD-SCDMA 网络优化与实现的研究,充分体现了移动通信网络优化的必要性和重要性。
关键词:TD-SCDMA ,网络优化,无线资源,数据分析
Mobile communication network is a constantly changing network, network structure, wireless environment, user distribution and use of behavior are constantly changing, the need for continuous optimization of the network to adapt to changes in various changes. Wireless network optimization is a long process, it runs through the whole process of network development. Only by constantly improving the quality of the network in order to allow users to meet, attract and develop more users. At present, the third generation mobile communication system in the world caused widespread concern. TD-SCDMA is one of the three main standards proposed by our country, enjoying intellectual property rights and being approved by ITU. With the development of TD-SCDMA mobile communication technology, various key technologies are successfully solved, TD-SCDMA system terminal, base station and wireless controller and other equipment commercialization, in order to improve the system capacity, expand the base station coverage, ensure the signal transmission quality, To provide more users with the most business content and value, while achieving the optimal investment costs, network optimization work more and more important. The so-called wireless network optimization, is based on the actual performance of the system and the actual performance of the system analysis, on the basis of analysis, through the adjustment of network resources and system parameters, the system performance is gradually improved to achieve the existing system configuration conditions The best quality of service. This paper introduces the third generation mobile communication system TD-SCDMA as the core to discuss the wireless network optimization process, optimize the content, optimization measures. Through the study of TD-SCDMA network optimization and implementation, it fully embodies the necessity and importance of mobile communication network optimization.
Key words: TD-SCDMA, network optimization, wireless resource, data analysis

