首页 > 电子信息 > 物联网环境下的楼宇安防系统



智能住宅小区综合运用了计算机技术、通信技术、控制技术等, 是由家庭智能控制系统、通信接入网、小区安全防范系统、小区物业管理服务系统和小区综合信息服务系统来支持实现的。目前方兴未艾的物联网技术因其各种特性, 引入到楼宇智能化技术中, 必将是一个重要的发展方向。



关键词物联网 智能楼宇;安防系统;AT89S52单片机 ;传感器


The intelligent residential district uses the computer technology, the communication technology, the control technology and so on. It is composed of the home intelligent control system, the communication access network, the district security guard system, etc. The property management service system and the integrated information service system support the realization. The Internet of things technology, which is in the ascendant at present, is introduced into the intelligent building technology because of its various characteristics, it will be an important development direction.


According to the characteristics and present situation of fire, this paper makes a systematic demand analysis, and gives the overall design, function module design and implementation of building security system under the Internet of things. In this paper, a building security system based on Internet of things is designed. It is mainly composed of AT89S52 single-chip computer 18B20 temperature sensor and MQ-2 smoke sensor. This system can monitor the temperature and smoke grade of the corridor and room in real time. When the ambient temperature or smoke exceeds the designed value, the system will produce acousto-optic alarm. Remind people in time. Even when the sensor fails, you can manually press the emergency alarm button, thereby This system can set the alarm value according to different environment, and it has the characteristics of low price and easy to install.


Keywords: Internet of things; Intelligent Building; Security system AT89S52 single Chip Microcomputer; Sensor






1 绪论 1

1.1课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2课题研究现状与发展趋势 1

1.2.1楼宇设备自动化系统( bas) 1

1.2.2通信网络自动化系统(cas) 2

1.2.3办公自动化系统 2

1.2.4住宅小区智能化系统 2

1.3本文的主要工作 2

2 物联网下的楼宇安防系统的总体设计 4

2.1需求分析与总体设计 4

2.1.1物联网下的楼宇安防系统的需求分析 4

2.1.2物联网下的楼宇安防系统的总体设计 4

2.2单片机的选用及其特性 5

2.2.1 单片机的型号选用 5

2.2.2 AT89S52的特性 5

2.3火灾报警探测器的分类和性能比较 9

2.3.1火灾报警探测器的分类 9

2.3.2火灾探测器的性能比较 9

2.4工作流程设计 10

3系统功能模块的设计与实现 12

3.1火灾检测模块的设计与实现 12

3.2液晶显示模块的设计与实现 20

3.3声光报警模块的设计与实现 23

3.4电源模块设计与实现 23

4 软件功能模块设计与实现 24

4.1温度检测模块软件设计与实现 24

4.2烟雾检测模块软件设计与实现 27

5 系统测试 30

6结    论 31

6.1工作总结 31

6 2 系统功能的改进与完善 31

参考文献 32

附录一:硬件电路图 33

附录二:程序清单 34



